An example of a content analysis practice

Kubra Soydan
6 min readApr 29, 2024

HOT NEWS ‘’ You get what you seek for ’’ ‘ underline meaning! …

After i share this post at my linkedin page it turn into conrubition to rememembered one of my lecturer who i get lesson from about writing techiniques of public relation and publicity and when my mind meets it with my another instructor when i a student at Yeditepe University and where i get from content teqhniques .

If you are interested in rhetoric, writing and content marketing tecniques this article probably will be fed of your those needs.

Firstly , i shared this article which will be examined with a discourse analysis with a marketing technique and re- analysis semiologically, then i share it in a different ‘’channel’’ with a different discourse which you will meet at the first image.

First image’ writing techqiue analysis:

image from screenshot

The discourse in this post starts with a more related concept of the channel (at least for me) that is why probably i start with a ‘’professionalls’ concept..

Then it is contuniue with a message ‘’ i know you have been met tons of messages…. but. ’’ this sentence can be assuming with a different perspective (because a concept ‘’just a concept ‘’ includes like perpective refer concept reference image . basicly we can say that a word for example when you write you see that as a 2d format but in itself it has a 3d and if we one step further even we can experience 5d one when it is just a stand as a thought , it becomes a ‘’barrier’’ to meet a meaning..)

but basicly we can summary this message meaning if we take consider of a entity of rhetoric, there are two assumptions we can get .

First one: this includes writers ( sender’ ) reality,includes an assumption about the channel’ users

Second one: it will be used as a data which will be depending on a receivers respond because of the ;

Third one : The sentence also way of saying that if you are a status that i already mention, then ( second one here) we used to it. shortly way of persuading the target audience

and also this discourse includes the target audience

if there is okay far away, we can contuniue our analysis then it is contuniue ‘’but’’ then refer some user of this channels ..

and if we consider the paragraphy mostly the intented message has a stand of in the middle of the paragraph ( al least i remembered from writing teqnuiqes lesson where i get from ….)

Then , The part described which is start as ‘’a pop-up question’’mention is actually a “brain disintegration tool”, a concept you may be very familiar with if you are studying political science and have taken an introductory political communication course. But I forgot what it was.. Anyway, in short, it is the flow of TV content in the mainstream media, that is, a situation in TV channels in Turkey. I have no idea how “mind fragmentation” works in the geography you live in. Anyway) so it can be accepting just a ‘’noise pollution in itself..

then consequence section includes ‘’hey you!!’’ and refer a content i consume from the brand’ ads so it is a proof for a brand stand i meet the message of the product for example and also it is a teqhniuqe that could be describing ana action like that :

You are a worker and You go to your boss room kindly then you become a smaller person a to reach taller one you pull him from his tie… so you become equal to commonucate because of the reality this fiction is just about the way structural field of view.

i think it is incredible type of style.. but also could be consider as a rude way to shout.

Consiquenlty message starts with a more a serious statement when we create a relation consequence part one’ one , but it’s a way of evolving what’s being addressed with its inner direction, as if it were coming from a very sincere friend. That is why it could be give a ‘’used to it’’ sense..

but the aim is just a share a content which is from different channel’ product

And lets continue this actually what is done with using marketing concepts

There are a product and there are two way of serve which should be differ from to channel to channels if we take consider writing techniques which is a tool for moslty journalist and stand for a marketing department , there are and integration within itself..( if you have no idea what is public relation department at Yeditepe you can also get an idea from this btw)

‘’The product has a message and there are different target group but the product’ message accebility is on the border of way of linguistic . ‘’

this also can be considered a way of reason why there are least semiotic analysis of a content . because

only receiver can find a true meaning from the sender which is standing also a receiver in itself and refer a mind..

so that is why i choose my products to analysis as a semiotical way. because when you start something semiotical way

‘’this is a way of your body’ (where mind stuck) talking way to you who is in your brain which is including a perception parameters that shapes the reality of the now one. ‘’

This article was a summary of semiotic analysis technique and if you intent this discipline i recommend you start with ‘’if’’ if you have time to non-stand ..

Honestly, i intent to convey my knowledge about the topic with a contriubition of realistic examples with my concepts that i already describe, to make a conclusion i can say that ‘’good luck’’ to all my consumptions.

Because of the reality

Time to say goodby

those messages just way of saying ‘’ you are all unique and only you can decide why you choose what you choose’’ there are no rhetoric, no body language or no borders of the brain at this age— body but the reason of differ dimensions where they hungry to interaction so can continue to be exist..

so far , if you reach at this what do you think?

i have no messages at the end of the day because when you start to consume something to get its promise , the being satisfied depends on your perception, what your minds get and sense which is hard to make .. May be we all have a simulation who knows? i think only Big data make sense those ends..

and if there is a need to translate , describe in turkish the article you can just say : ‘’ Anlıyoruz ama Konuşamıyoruz.’’ (in english it referes a statement ‘’ medium is the message’’ because when we translate it in english to turkish , ‘’araç mesajın kendisidir’’ but when we translate this statement in english there are this statement : ‘’ araç’’ is refer the brain , ‘’mesaj’’ refer perception , ‘’kendisidir ’’ refers itself so the brain , so — but in turkish that meaning because technology’ emerging reason has had had been a supply from linguistical borders( at least one of the parameters i don’t know ..)

with this we can say that also if we consider english as a product , turkish become a sub-product like ketchap and mayonnaise..

note to myself: (- işte bu yuzden bir tarafta zihin diğer tarafta beden. yani sonsuzun temsili ile görülenden adamın biri yola çıkmış 0,1 li dil kodlamış..bunu bedene indirgediğimizde bedenin zihne açılan 5 alıcısı yani yutan elemanlar , onu işleyen yani entegre eden birbirineyi 1 diyeyim bari diye yola çıkmış.. ama bu bir masal türü içeriği olabilir..)

hope you get what you search for since as a writer, reviewer, sender and receiver, lecturer and creator ,writer and reader , honestly my mind blow up .

’’For example’’…


